Tuesday, November 11, 2014

BEWARE: Why you should Google yourself!

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In my marketing class's first assignment to Google myself, I've explored my social network accounts being displayed on Google for the world. When you think about it, the world being able to witness your information can be uncomfortable, without the proper regulation. Before it didn't occur to me the significant value the Internet would contain about myself. If you haven't searched yourself on Google yet, I highly recommend doing so. It should come to your attention to best protect yourself by all means when dealing with the Internet. In any given circumstances you want to be conscious with your actions especially on the Internet. The main reason to keep a good track record of yourself would be that if your applying for a job that definitely applies in this matter. When I Goggled myself, I found an old Twitter account that I haven't accessed in over 3 years and can no longer access. My first reaction to that Twitter account was pure embarrassment because I was young and naive about Twitter. I joined Twitter because of the hype it was producing but not having known the impact that it has been in the social network services outlet. This has further influenced my perception about myself online. It came to a conclusion that everyone should be aware that when you sign up for an account that your monitoring and understanding the terms of the services. Be aware that any social network accounts you have can be private by changing your name or privacy settings. While having control of your own social media accounts your aligning yourself in the way you want to be perceived on the internet. Know your limits by limiting what your providing on the internet. You don't want to make a mistake that would jeopardize your career goals and path. Integrity at its finest is best when taking steps in the right direction.

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From when I first looked up my name on Goggle to now, I've developed a better reputation for myself. I still have the embarrassing (exaggerating) Twitter account present on the internet when I search myself on Goggle but I'm more advance and conscious about what I display on the internet from then on. My biggest take away was having the knowledge of the social networks aspects and how to utilize them better. Being able to update yourself adequately and properly will evidently gain the respect you want to overall achieve. My journey with searching myself on Google became a revelation for improvements. I ultimately BEWARE at all times on my social network accounts and so should anyone else!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

5 ways to enjoy Twitter!

Do you have reservations on joining Twitter? Well don't be unenthusiastic about it yet. You won't be after experiencing the enjoyable ways the social networking activity offers. Twitter is a social networking service containing "tweets" that are maximum of 140-character messages. The short format of 140-character tweets deliver concentrated discussions that are condense in words. Interacting on a 140-character messaging level is the fascinating part in the fun factor. But that's not all, Twitter optimizes many stimulating features in a social network service and below are 5 ways to indulge in them. 

1) # @
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Twitter are notorious for "tweets" containing the 140-character limit messages, while incorporating the hashtag or mention us format. Utilizing the given formats has brought the tweets to be viral and on trend. # or @ could effectively turn your conversations on a mainstream manner in retweeting. Here's a fun fact example, Ellen DeGeneres photo of Hollywood stars at the Oscars was retweeted 3.4 million times and still counting, in her tweeted post of a selfie picture with the hashtag #oscars to magnify the selfie trend during the OscarsDo enjoy the SMS format of # and/or @, tweeting with those adds emphasis on a topic. 

2) Follow

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You can of course follow any of your interests in people or subjects like any celebrities, brands or sports teams. There's a variety of whoever or whatever to follow. Being engaged with anyone by following them and they follow you is fueling demand in communication. Your going to enjoy how Twitter delivers the social party on their internet service.

3) Customizing account

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Twitter allows accounts to be customized for personalization. The customizing feature showcases appealing styles. Choosing your own background to display optimizes the creative project. Enjoy the ability to personalize your own account unlike Facebook or LinkedIn accounts generic design format. Twitter has embraced the microblogging design concept.

4) Trends

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Twitter introduces trends that keep news updates frequently and steady. Twitter captivates the users with driving trend topics to be aware of. Unlike LinkedIn, Twitter embraces the social network service by complying the news topics that are on trend. Trending shares an enjoyable way of connecting. Fun fact, during the World Cup there were 672 million tweets. 

5) Business deals
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Twitter has promoted a lot of businesses that have been an overall positive influence. The exchanges in business impacts an interactive area in products or services. Being able to follow a brand exposes exclusive content. Fun fact, over 90% say they follow businesses on Twitter to get discounts and promos. Who wouldn't want a deal on product your in the market for? That’s something to enjoy when being a twitter user or if you have a business you want to launch, Twitter would be a great platform. 

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Twitter is ranked as the third used social network based on their millions of visitors. Whether your using Twitter as a social media interaction or as a business tool, Twitter has taken their social networking service on a unique scale. Differentiating from Facebook and LinkedIn, Twitter inhibits a fun factor to really enjoy in. Being part of the Twitter usage allows users to be involved in the favorite network of media outlets. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

3 best constructive criticism tips for new LinkedIn users

LinkedIn is a networking service tool that displays an online professional profile inquiring business. LinkedIn provides your school, work and experiences like a resume features. This helpful tool has really become an important approach in any workforce in order to showcase your levels of work that you have pursued. If you are in the search of a job, LinkedIn can be your gateway for an opportunity to compliment your career path. We all know that jobs are hard to find nowadays (being such a competitive market) so it's ideally that you utilize your resources and abilities wisely. Joining the LinkedIn social network will allow you to connect with professionals or colleagues that you want to network with. Showing your LinkedIn profile enables a professional outlook in your career criteria. With that said, optimizing your profile can deliver an outstanding criticism to recruiters. You never know who is looking at your profile so it's best to make an impression. How can you optimize your LinkedIn profile? Demonstrating a profile in the best presentation there can be, below are 3 best constructive criticism tips to consider for positive criticism. 

1. Profile picture 

Be sure to post a current picture of yourself to better identify who you are with anyone. If you think a picture of you in your bathing suit with wet hair around your two friends at a party in Cabo two years ago looks great, you have to reconsider. Using that as your profile picture isn't a good way of presenting yourself on LinkedIn. LinkedIn isn't Facebook, you should provide an updated picture of only yourself to present yourself professionally transparent. In that sense, don't as well use pictures expressing the kissy face, mad face, sad face, or anything deteriorating your image. With all means LinkedIn is a professional website. Also for those with common names, not having a picture can cause complications when someone with a similar name like yours is being searched for in a job. Be visible, there's no need to mix yourself up with another person. In actuality, you don't want to be lazy and not put a picture on your profile, people want to correspond who you are and make sure you aren't a mysterious person.  

2. Summary 

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When writing your summary you don’t have to put only a couple of sentences (like on most resumes). Having an in-depth summary can be an appealing outlook of who you are. By at least writing a paragraph of information on your summary section can object higher qualities about yourself. Remember that experiences alone don't make you superior but followed with qualities would provide characteristic values. Forming a summary about yourself is about how you want people to view you as but in an adequate way. Carefully consider when describing yourself that your using feedback you've received from people you've been in business with. In example, if your boss says your PC proficient then put that down. Adding four qualities about yourself on your summary is substantial and appropriate.  

3. Connections 

LinkedIn is mainly for networking. Establishing relationships does lead a strong personal value. Marketing yourself is delivering yourself in the best way which creates liaison. By having connections on LinkedIn builds rapport which is to be taken greatly. Building relationships is learning to grow as a person with others and its no difference when making connections on LinkedIn. LinkedIn has the ability to expand your connections in an objective way. Being incline to connect is a viable gain in your career goals. Apply yourself with others that you want to be professionally engaged with since that's the purpose of connections. What ever industry you want to be part of connect with leaders that can be an impact towards your career. The big part of LinkedIn is to be involved in building connections because it'll produce opportunities of long-term benefits. 

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Creating an account on LinkedIn is a straight forward step by step process that can be utilize effectively with the proper extent. You want to keep in mind that your profile is a portfolio of your accomplishments and by arranging a meticulous profile it'll make you stand out. With those 3 given tips hopefully it'll give you a maximized idea of being active on your account. Best wishes LinkedIn users!